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Doc Bar
1956 -1992
He was a good halter horse and an extraordinary sire whose get totally transformed the sport of cutting.
DOC BAR will forever be remembered as the horse who revolutionized the cutting horse industry. But he was not bred to be a cow horse. A look at his pedigree shows speed, and that's what Tom and Jack Finley wanted when they bred Dandy Doll to Lightning Bar, a AAA AQHA Champion son of Three Bars (TB).
Dandy Doll was a AA mare by Texas Dandy. Dandy Doll won races from 220 yards up to 440 yards. At 14.3, 1,000 pounds, Doc Bar was a washout on the race track. Doc Bar was not a race horse. He wasn't even a performance horse. But he turned out to be a good halter horse and an extraordinary sire whose get totally transformed the sport of cutting. And although he was never ridden in competition, his sons and daughters forever changed the cutting horse industry with their ability and style. Doc Bar was shown at halter 13 times, with 12 wins, 1 second, 36 national points and 10 grand and reserve grands.
After the halter horse structure turned to taller horses, Doc Bar's career as a halter horse sire was in jeapordy. His owners crossed him on their Poco Tivio mares and this led to the greatest nick in Quarter Horse history, producing the first of a long line of cow horses. An example of the magic cross was Fizzabar, a 1961 mare by Doc Bar and out of Teresa Tivio. Fizzabar wound up in the NCHA Hall of Fame, she was the National Cutting Horse Association World Champion Mare.
An unprecedented string of NCHA Futurity wins continued almost unbroken for 2 decades, in which Doc Bar's get and grandget dominated cutting's most prestigious event.
NCHA Futurity Wins
In 1970 Doc O'Lena won all four go-rounds of the NCHA Futurity
In 1971 Dry Doc claimed the crown
In 1973 Doc's Marmoset won
In 1974 Doc's Yuba Lea won
In 1975 Lenaette won
In 1978 Lynx Melody won
In 1979 Docs Diablo won
In 1980 Mis Royal Mahogany won
In 1982Smart Little Lena Won
In 1987 a Smart Little Lena's foal Smart Date won
In 1988 a Smart Little Lena's foal Smart Little Senor won
DOC BAR sired 485 foals, who earned 2,492 halter points and 4,569.5 performance points, 27 AQHA Champions. While that's an impressive record, it does not truly reflect his greatness as a sire because many of his sons and daughters competed only in NCHA cuttings, not AQHA events.